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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between a midwife and a doula?
    Midwives are regulated and trained medical professionals who provide healthcare prenatally, during the birth, and postpartum. You do not need to pay for a midwife and you do not need to be reffered to one. Simply fill their intake forms online. Midwives will join you during active labour and keep busy doing medical checks and are legally required to chart everything that is happening. A midwife may offer a kind word of encouragement here or there and offer small gestures of care, but do not have the time to offer breaks to the partner, or rub someone's back for hours. Doulas are non-regulated and privately paid. They do not perform medical tasks. Doulas provide emotional and physical support to pregnant individuals before, during, and after childbirth. They offer guidance, comfort measures, and advocacy. Doulas make strong advocates because they work for you- not the hospital- so they are not bound by their policies and guidelines.
  • How do doulas impact birth outcomes?
    Hiring a doula can lead to shorter labors, reduced need for medical interventions, lower cesarean rates, increased satisfaction with the birth experience, and improved breastfeeding success. Doulas provide continuous support, personalized care, and advocacy for the birthing individual.
  • How do doula's support partners?
    Most partners feel much more calm and confident going into birth knowing a doula will join them. Doulas provide support and guidance to partners by offering reassurance, suggestions for comfort measures, and helping them understand the birthing process. They ensure that partners feel involved, informed, and empowered to support the birthing person effectively.
  • Why did you become a doula?
    I became passionate about empowering families through the transformative journey of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum after my own experience of unmedicated birth. I was supported by a wonderful team of midwives but did not hire a doula. My husband and I both wished we had- both to help with the constant counter pressure on my hips that I demanded, and to help us more smoothly navigate medical policies. On paper, I had an excellent healthy vaginal birth- but my experience fell short of what I knew was possible and a doula would have made all the difference in my birth satisfaction.
  • What is your formal training?
    Doulas are not regulated so we all have different trainings and educational backgrounds. Prior to becoming a Doula I completed a BA with a double minor in counselling, Indigenous Community Justice and a Certificate in Not-For-Profit Organizations. Completing my BA honed many skills that I apply in my doula work (empathetic listening, attuned calming presence, and social justice advocacy). After the birth of my daughter I changed fields and completed the Wise Woman Way of Birth doula training in 2022- it was a program spread out over the course of four months focused on understanding physiological birth and how to support it. I also have completed a year long mentorship under Morag Hastings (owner of Birth by Bloom, Dancing Star Birth, and Apple Blossom families).
  • How many births have you attended?
    Olivia has attended over 60 births since starting Olive Tree Doula Care over two years ago.
  • What is your definition of a good birth?
    One where the birthing person feels safe, seen, heard, held, respected and loved. Where they aren't afraid to ask questions or stand up for what they want. Where their values and choices are expressed. Where the birther walks away feeling like they made all the decisions, and that they are proud of their actions. A good birth can include cesareans planned for medical reasons.
  • How does payment work?
    You can make payments via e-transfer. Typically I split the fee in two and you pay half as a deposit upon signing your contract and the other half on the first day of the month your 40- Week Date is in. Alternative payment plans may be available- please reach out.
  • What happens if you cannot attend my birth?
    I take on a maximum of three births per month and try to space the 40 week dates apart to avoid births overlapping. In the rare event that I cannot attend the birth due to unforeseen circumstances such as a birth crossover or an emergency, I have a trusted doula partner and a pool of doula's with a similar approach and experience level that I can call upon. Rest assured that I will make every effort to ensure continuity of care and support for you during this special time.
  • How can I see if we are a good fit?
    Book a complimentary 30-minute consult with me over zoom. I will ask you questions and you can ask me questions with no obligation to book into care. If we are a fit for one another I would send you my contract and intake form afterwards.
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